

Longer parameter versions of System.String methods

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
endsWith (...)
Signature: value:string -> ignoreCase:bool -> culture:(type) -> {instance}:(type) -> bool

Calls EndsWith(value, ignoreCase, culture)

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equals b comparisonType a
Signature: b:string -> comparisonType:(type) -> a:string -> bool

Calls Equals(a, b, comparisonType)

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padLeft (...)
Signature: totalWidth:int -> paddingChar:char -> {instance}:(type) -> string

Calls PadLeft(totalWidth, paddingChar)

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padRight (...)
Signature: totalWidth:int -> paddingChar:char -> {instance}:(type) -> string

Calls PadRight(totalWidth, paddingChar)

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split separator {instance}
Signature: separator:char [] -> {instance}:(type) -> string []

Calls Split(separator)

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startsWith (...)
Signature: value:string -> ignoreCase:bool -> culture:(type) -> {instance}:(type) -> bool

Calls StartsWith(value, ignoreCase, culture)

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substring startIndex length {instance}
Signature: startIndex:int -> length:int -> {instance}:(type) -> string

Calls Substring(startIndex, length)

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toLower culture {instance}
Signature: culture:(type) -> {instance}:(type) -> string

Calls ToLower(culture)

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toUpper culture {instance}
Signature: culture:(type) -> {instance}:(type) -> string

Calls ToUpper(culture)

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trim trimChars {instance}
Signature: trimChars:char [] -> {instance}:(type) -> string

Calls Trim(trimChars)

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